Recent content by bigredfish

  1. bigredfish

    Home monitoring alternatives?

    Simply Safe
  2. bigredfish

    Um, wtf is he doing?

    Ima hide in the bushes tonight and snag it from him when he looks at his phone. I’ll be RICH! Bwaaahaaaa
  3. bigredfish

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    I didnt come up with ANY conspiracy, nor did he in that article. ? Its an opinion piece MANY Americans, politicians, military and avg joe's in the street and many Western Europeans tend to be agreeing with. Many don't, thats cool. I disagree with @mat200 often on the ultimate cause of, or need...
  4. bigredfish

    DHCP or static?

    I dont think you understood what I said tongue in cheek but still valid Forgive my attempt at humor as I tend to use that term relative to this one very specific instance: When one uses a Dahua NVR with its own built in PoE switch, and newish Dahua cameras, it is best to plug the camera in to...
  5. bigredfish

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    You obviously dont look very hard The author of that piece wasnt ZH: Pepe Escobar is the roving correspondent for Asia Times/Hong Kong, an analyst for RT and TomDispatch, and a frequent contributor to websites and radio shows ranging from the US to East Asia. Born in Brazil, he's been a foreign...
  6. bigredfish

    DHCP or static?

    \ Hey now, I buy all my high end stuff at Costco.... Still learning all these fancy buttons n stuff. Mebbe you can teach me?
  7. bigredfish

    DHCP or static?

    I use the highly technical term Automagically for when you plug a new Dahua camera into a Dahua NVR with Poe ports. Best to let it automagically register by itself ;)
  8. bigredfish

    Listen up people --- Florida is not a fully tamed State

    That’s ok, our real estate folks are in on it. That house was $400k before they showed interest ;)
  9. bigredfish

    Listen up people --- Florida is not a fully tamed State

    Part of our new greeting committee for NY’s
  10. bigredfish

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

  11. bigredfish

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    It’s either that or the bird flu apocalypse, either way, IF you’re able to vote, and think it matters, they’re gonna make sure you’ll be doing it from home Escobar: The West Is Hell-Bent On Provoking Russia Into Hot War...
  12. bigredfish

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

  13. bigredfish

    Um, wtf is he doing?

    He occasionally points it at a passing car :idk:
  14. bigredfish

    Funny / Satire

    Every blade of grass ;)
  15. bigredfish

    Um, wtf is he doing?

    Maybe this is some religious thing? I apologize for my lack of religious knowledge if so.. Guy starts out about 10pm walking around with a small branch held out in front of him. 6 hours later at 4:30am his bush is down to two leaves on a stick and he's still holding it out in front of him like...